I`ve Been Quote Challenged!
I have been quote challenged by Adrienne of Crazy Girl ScrapsMy quote was "Love Sees Roses Without Thorns"So I made a tag using the quote.
The rules of the challenge are:1. Choose someone to challenge with a quote2. With that quote the challenger, just for Fun of course must use the quote to make a tag/tut or new scrap kit.3. When they have completed their challenge, all theyhave to do is post it on their blog and pick the next person to play the challenge and then let them know they have been challengedby leaving a little note on their blog.So I now challenge................Sara of Sinful Creations
Here is your quote hun:
"There Are Big Ships and Small Ships, but the best Ship of all is Friendship"
Love to see what you create Sara ~x~Big Hugs Kittzxoxox
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